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When trying to schedule a delivery, the following error is displayed in a popup window:


An error has occured during the scheduling process


Scheduler is not started.






First, make sure the scheduler service is enabled in the Runtime property file "commonParameters.xml":

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include file="../logs/logMysql.xml"/>
<parameter name="launchSchedulerEngine" value="true"/>


After setting this to 'true', restart the Runtime.


You can check the scheduler status with a runtime command:

> get services
Name Status Duration
rmi Running 0:00:13.998
rdbms Running 0:00:19.89
execution Running 0:00:14.310
soap Running 0:00:08.109
listener Running 0:00:14.310
scheduler Running 0:00:10.172


A screenshot of the command executed from Analytics:




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