Welcome to Stambia MDM.
This guide contains information about developing new plug-ins for Stambia MDM.
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Convention | Meaning |
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Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or a product specific term or concept. |
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Monospace type indicates code example, text or commands that you enter. |
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This guide contains information about developing new plug-ins for Stambia MDM.
Using this guide, you will learn how to:
Set up a development environment with the Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API,
Design your own plug-ins for Stambia MDM
Implement tests for these plug-ins
Release these plug-ins to production
Introduction to the Stambia MDM Plug-in Architecture
About the Plug-in Architecture
With the Open Plug-in Architecture, Stambia MDM allows extending its capabilities using Java code and external APIs. Through the plug-ins, existing services or information systems can contribute to the master data processing and enrichment.
You can extend the following capabilities in Stambia MDM:
Enrichers: By adding new enrichers, you can perform record-level enrichment to update, augment or standardize existing attribute values, or create new content in attributes. For example, you can connect to an external web service to retrieve stock ticker symbols from company names.
Validations: By adding new validations, you can check records against complex data quality rules. For example, you can connect to an external provider to check whether a billing or shipping address is accurate or not.
Understanding the Plug-ins
Plug-in Development
Plug-ins are developed in Java using the Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API. This API exposes several Java interfaces that your code must implement to interact with Stambia MDM.
The plug-ins are developed in plug-in projects into which you defined extension endpoints. Each endpoint appears as an enricher or validation plug-in available in Stambia MDM. These endpoints are based on two predefined endpoints types:
rowTransformer for an Enricher.
rowValidator for a Validation.
Each extension endpoint has:
A set of Parameters to optionally configure the plug-in behavior.
One or more Input fields. In the case of an enricher, these fields are pushed to the enricher for transformation. In the case of a validation, these fields are checked against the data quality rules implemented in the plug-in.
One or more Output fields (only for enrichers). These are the values returned by the enricher. In the case of a validation, there is no output field, as the validation only returns a Boolean indicating whether the validation is passed or failed.
To design a plug-in, you define first the plug-in metadata, then you implement the code, based on this metadata. The metadata is used in the Stambia MDM Workbench to expose the plug-in information, parameters and input/output fields.
Plug-in Packaging and Deployment
Plug-ins are packaged as bundles that can be installed or updated from the Workbench in a running instance of Stambia MDM. The server does not need to restart to take new or updated bundles into account.
Bundles are tagged with a version number. Installing a new version of an existing plug-in will automatically make the platform take into account and work with the new version of the plug-in.
Process for Creating a Plug-in
Run the following steps create a plug-in:
Create a plug-in project to host one or more plug-ins.
Define the plug-in metadata.
Implement the plug-in code.
Test the plug-in by implementing a test project and JUnit test cases.
Generate the plug-in binaries.
Deploy the plug-in in Stambia MDM.
About the Example
In this book, we will design a sample enricher plug-in called
International Phone Standardizer.
This plug-in:
Takes a phone number in an input field called INPUTPHONE.
Standardizes it as an output phone number called STANDARDIZEDPHONE.
Has a NULLIFYONERROR parameter. If this parameter is set to
, phone numbers that cannot be standardized are transformed to a null value. Otherwise, the original phone number is returned.
To keep the code simple, the standardization algorithm
provided in this sample plug-in only works for phone numbers from
France. It standardizes them to the +33<9 digits> format. It is
intended to work with the data provided in the Getting Started
demonstration environment of Stambia MDM, and not in
production environments.
Setting up the Environment
The Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API is available for download as an update site for Eclipse in the Stambia MDM SDK archive (stambia-mdm-sdk-<version>.zip
). In this section, we will explain how to configure your Eclipse environment with this API.
Installing and Configuring Eclipse
Before installing the Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API, download and install Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers (Indigo or later). Eclipse is available for download from the Eclipse Website.
Installing the Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API for Eclipse
To install the Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API for Eclipse:
Download the latest Stambia MDM SDK archive (
) from the Stambia web site. -
Uncompress this file into a local
directory. -
In Eclipse, choose Help > Install New Software….
In the Work with section, click the Add… button. The Add Repository dialog box appears.
Click Archive, browse for the
and then click OK. The file location appears in the Location field. Leave the Name field empty. -
Click OK.
Select Stambia MDM in the available software components. The Semarchy SDK component should be selected too.
Un-select the Contact all update sites during install to find required software option.
Click Next to review the list of items to install. Click Next again to read and accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Finish. The installation process starts.
During the installation process, Eclipse prompts you to trust the certificates signing the plug-in SDK. Select the certificates and then click OK to proceed with the installation.
When asked, restart Eclipse.
The Stambia MDM Open Plug-in API is now installed.
Creating the Plug-in
Creating the Plug-in Project
A Stambia MDM plug-in is developed as part of a Plug-in Project, into which you declare extension points for each plug-in contained in this project.
Creating a New Plug-in Project
A plug-in project contains one or more Stambia MDM plug-ins and can be deployed as a single jar.
To create a new plug-in project:
In Eclipse, select File > New > Others….
In the Wizards filter, enter
. The list shows the Plug-in Project wizard. -
Select the Plug-in Project wizard and then click Next
In the Project Name, enter the name of your project. For example:
. Leave the other fields as is. -
Click Next. In the Content page, change the following fields:
Version: version of your plug-in (for example:
) -
Name: Visible Name for your plug-in (for Example:
Phone Standardizer
) -
Provider: Your company’s name (for Example,
ACME Corp.
) -
Un-select the Generate an activator, This Plug-in will make contributions to the UI and Enable API Analysis options.
Make sure the Would you like to create a rich client application? option is set to No.
Click Next
Un-select the Create a plug-in using one of the templates option.
Click Finish
If asked, click Yes to switch to the development perspective.
Adding the Extensions to the Project
In order to define Stambia MDM extension points, you need to add these extensions points’ types to the project.
To add the Stambia MDM extension points to the project:
In the plug-in editor, select the Dependencies tab
In the Required Plug-ins, click Add… and then select the
The extension point is added to the dependencies. -
The extension point is added with a minimum version required equal to the version of the plug-in SDK. For example, if you have installed the SDK in version 3.1.0, the minimum server version required is 3.1.0.
To make your plug-in compatible with previous minor versions of the server (for example, to install the plug-in on a 3.0.0 server), you must modify this dependency.-
Select the extension point in the list and then click the Properties… button.
In the com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint dialog, edit the Minimum Version field. For example, replace 3.0.1 with 3.0.0 to make this plug-in dependent on any server version after 3.0.0.
Click OK to close the dialog.
Select the Overview tab.
In the Overview tab, click the Extensions hyperlink. The editor switches to the Extensions tab.
In the Extensions tab, click Add…, and select the extension point corresponding to the type of plug-in that you want to deliver in this project:
com.semarchy.integration.extensionpoint.rowTransformer: This extension point type is used to create enrichers.
com.semarchy.integration.extensionpoint.rowValidator: This extension point type is used to create validations.
Repeat the previous step to add both types of extensions if you want to mix enrichers and validations in your project.
Defining the Plug-in
A project can contain several Stambia MDM plug-ins (for example, a plug-in to enrich telephone numbers, and another one to validate email addresses). Each plug-in is declared as an extension endpoint of the rowTransformer or rowValidator endpoint type.
An extension endpoint is declared with all the plug-in metadata: The name, version, provider, as well as the parameters, input and output fields definition.
Declaring an Extension EndPoint
For the rest of this book, we will focus on creating an Enricher (Row Transformer). Validation plug-in follow the same development path. |
To create an extension endpoint:
Right-click the com.semarchy.integration.extensions.rowTransformer extension that you just added, right-click and select New > Row Transformer.
In the Extension Element Details section, enter the following values:
Id: ID of the enricher/validation. For example:
. Note this ID as it will be used later in the test cases. -
Name: Text name of the enricher or validation. For example:
International Phone Standardizer
Provider Name: Your company’s name (for Example,
ACME Corp.
) -
isThreadSafe: Set this option to
if you know that your code is thread-safe. Otherwise, set it tofalse
. See the Parallel Execution and Thread Safety for more information about this option.
Click the Class link.
In the New Java Class wizard, enter the following:
Package: Name of the package containing the class for your enricher/validation. For example:
Name: Name of the class for your enricher/validation. For example:
Click Finish. The code editor for your class opens.
Parallel Execution and Thread Safety
Stambia MDM supports parallel processing of records in plug-ins, provided that the plug-in is designed and declared as thread-safe.
By setting the isThreadSafe option to true
in a rowTransformer or rowValidator extension point, you declare that the code of the plug-in is thread safe and can be executed with several parallel threads.
It is the plug-in developer resposibility to review and test the plug-in to make sure of its thread safety before setting the isThreadSafe option to true .
Declaring the Parameters and Input/Output Fields
Parameters and Input/Output Types
Plug-ins use declared types for the parameters, inputs and outputs. When setting the values for the parameters and inputs, and when mapping the outputs, appropriate typing allows design-time validation and prevent run-time issues.
In the plug-in code, when managing inputs and parameters, each declared type will correspond to a given java type. Make sure to define and cast your variable according to the type of the input/output or parameter that they will map to.
The table below provide the correspondance between the plug-in types and Java types.
Plug-in Type | Corresponding Java Type |
java.lang.Boolean |
java.lang.Byte |
java.util.Date |
java.util.Date |
java.lang.Double |
java.lang.Float |
java.lang.Integer |
java.lang.Long |
java.lang.Short |
Declaring the Parameters
Parameters allow customizing the behavior of the plug-in.
To declare the plug-in parameters:
In the plug-in editor, select the Extensions tab
Select the parameters node under your Extension Point, right-click and select New > param.
In the Extension Element Details section, enter the following values:
Name: Name of the parameter. For example:
Type: Type of the parameter. For example:
Label: User-facing label for this parameter. For example:
Nullify on Error
shortDescription: User-facing description for this parameter. For example:
If set to 'true', returns null for a phone number that cannot be processed. Otherwise returns the original phone number.
isMandatory: Set to true to make this parameter mandatory.
Repeat the two previous steps to add more parameters.
Declaring the Input Fields
Input fields are the values received by an enricher or validation plug-in.
To declare the plug-in input fields:
In the plug-in editor, select the Extensions tab
Select the inputFields node under your Extension Point, right-click and select New > field.
In the Extension Element Details section, enter the following values:
Name: Name of the field. For example:
. This name should only contain uppercased alphanumerics and should not be longer than 30 characters. -
Type: Type of the field. For example:
Label: User-facing label for this field. For example:
Input Phone
shortDescription: User-facing description for this field. For example:
Phone Number to be standardized
. -
isMandatory: Set to true to make this field is mandatory.
Repeat the two previous steps to add more input fields.
Declaring the Output Fields
Output fields are the values returned by an enricher plug-in.
To declare the plug-in output fields:
In the plug-in editor, select the Extensions tab
Select the outputFields node under your Extension Point, right-click and select New > field.
In the Extension Element Details section, enter the following values:
Name: Name of the field. For example:
. This name should only contain uppercased alphanumerics and should not be longer than 30 characters. -
Type: Type of the field. For example:
Label: User-facing label for this field. For example:
Standardized Phone
shortDescription: User-facing description for this field. For example:
Standardized Phone Number
. -
isMandatory: Set to true to make this field mandatory (a value is always returned).
Repeat the two previous steps to add more output fields.
Make sure that the input and output fields names only contain uppercased alphanumerics and are no longer than 30 characters. |
Make sure to use uppercase for the parameter and field names. These names are not visible to the end-users. |
Implementing the Plug-in Code
Now that the plug-in is declared, it is possible to implement the specified behavior.
To implement the plug-in code:
Switch to the class editor.
If needed, Use the Eclipse quick fix feature to add the interface methods currently unimplemented in the code.
Implement the required methods for your plug-in:
For a rowTransformer: the
Methods. -
For a rowValidator: the
The full code of the IntlPhoneStandardizer.java class rowTransformer is provided in Appendix A. You can copy and paste the code from the appendix in the class editor.
The following sections describe the methods implemented in the plug-in code.
SetUp/TearDown Methods
These methods are respectively used to initialize the plug-in - typically by setting the value of the parameters - and to release the resources used by the plug-in.
In this case, the only parameter is NULLIFYONERROR. This parameter’s
value is stored in a private Boolean variable called nullifyOnError
Note the use of the getParameterAsBoolean
method to retreive a boolean corresponding
to the type set while Declaring the Parameters and Input/Output Fields. The same methods
exist for other supported data types.
private boolean nullifyOnError;
public void setUp(IRowTransformerSetupInfo pSetupInfo) {
nullifyOnError = pSetupInfo.getParameterAsBoolean("NULLIFYONERROR");
public void tearDown() {
String referring to parameter names should always be in uppercase in the Java code. |
The IRowTransformerSetupInfo object can be used to retreive the
data location’s JDBC datasource, using the getTargetDataSource() method.
Transform Method (Enricher Plug-ins)
Enrichers plug-ins enrich a list of data rows by calling transform
method. This method returns the list of enriched data rows.
In our example, this method simply calls a private method called
to process one of these data rows.
public List<IDataRow> transform(List<IDataRow> pDataRowsBatch) {
ArrayList<IDataRow> outputDataRowList = new ArrayList<IDataRow>();
for (IDataRow inputRow : pDataRowsBatch) {
return outputDataRowList;
The transformOneRow
method transforms an input data row (IDataRow)
into an output data row.
The input data row is passed to the transform method in the
variable, and contains the input fields passed to the enricher. You access each field value using thegetValue
method. -
The output data row is created and returned by this method, with the output fields set using the
In the example below, the input data row only contains the INPUTPHONE
field and the output data row is built only with the STANDARDIZEDPHONE
The core of the transformation takes place in the private method
. The code of this method can be reviewed
in Appendix A.
private IDataRow transformOneRow(IDataRow pDataRow) {
// First, create the returned IDataRow.
DataRow outputDataRow = new DataRow();
// Make sure to set a null value for each output field in the
// outputDataRow.
outputDataRow.setValue("STANDARDIZEDPHONE", null);
// The transformation is done below. It uses the normalizePhoneNumber
// method defined in the class.
if (pDataRow.getValue("INPUTPHONE") != null) {
return outputDataRow;
It is recommended to set all the mandatory output field values to null
immediately after creating the output DataRow . This avoids returning partially complete data row as the output. This is done by issuing the
following code for each output field outputDataRow.setValue("<output_field_name>", null); .
String referring to input/output field names should always be in uppercase in the Java code. |
isValid Method (Validation Plug-ins)
The isValid
method is required for a validation plug-in.
This method is similar to the transform
method. It takes as an input a
list of data rows and returns a list of boolean values indicating
whether the input data rows comply with the validation specified in the
plug-in. Typically, this method uses an isValidOneRow
private method
that validates a single data row.
Testing the Plug-in
It is recommended to implement tests to validate the plug-in behavior
before deploying it to a Stambia MDM instance.
In this section, we will explain how to create a JUnit test case for the
enricher plug-in created in the previous chapter.
Creating a Test Project
To create a test project:
Select File > New > Other
In the Wizards filter, enter
. The list shows the Fragment Project wizard. -
Select the Fragment Project wizard and then click Next.
In the Project Name, enter the name for your project. For example:
. Leave the other fields as is. -
Click Next. In the Content page, modify the following:
Version: Version of your test plug-in fragment (for example:
) -
Name: Visible Name for your test plug-in fragment (for Example:
Phone Standardizer Test
) -
Provider: Your company’s name (for Example,
ACME Corp.
In the Host Plug-in section, use the Browse… button to select the Plug-in ID.
In the Select a Plug-in filter, enter the name of the Stambia MDM plug-in that you want to validate with your tests. For example
. -
Select the Stambia MDM plug-in from the list. For example, select
Click Finish. A new project is created.
In the project editor, select the Dependencies Tab.
In the Required Plug-ins section, click the Add… button.
In the Select a Plug-in filter, enter
. Select theorg.junit4
plug-in in the list of matching items and then click OK. -
Press CTRL+S to save the editor.
Creating a Test Case
To create a test case:
In the Package Explorer, select the test project (
), right click and then select File > New > Other. -
In the Wizards filter, enter
. The list shows the JUnit Test Case wizard. Select it from the list and then click Next. -
In the JUnit Test Case wizard, enter the following:
Package: Name of the package containing the class for your test. For example:
Name: Name of the test class. For example:
. -
Class under test: Use the browse button to select the class that you want to test with this test case. For example:
Click Next. Select the methods that you want to test. Typically, the
method for an enricher or theisValid
method for a validation. -
Click Finish. The code editor for your test case opens.
In addition to the transform and isValid methods, you may
also test other methods such as setUp and tearDown to verify the
plug-in behavior during its entire lifecycle.
Implementing the Test Case
The test case checks the transformation of several phone numbers. It checks that the transformation provides expected results with valid, invalid or null phone numbers.
The full code of the TestPhoneFrance.java class is provided in Appendix B. You can copy and paste the code from the appendix in the class editor. |
The rest of this section describes the key methods implemented in the test code.
The checkPhoneTransform
method tests the behavior of the transformer.
It takes three parameters:
an INPUTPHONE input phone number
an expected STANDARDIZEDPHONE output phone number
The method:
Defines the mapped inputs, outputs and parameters for the test case.
Instantiates an
object. This object enables testing a row transformer.
Note that this object is created using:-
The list of mapped inputs and outputs.
The ID of the enricher/validation set when declaring the endpoint, that is
Sets up the plug-in using the mapped parameters.
Creates a list containing one input DataRow containing an
input field value. -
Runs the
method for therowTransformerExecutor
to execute the enricher. -
Compares (using the
JUnit assertEquals
method) the value of theSTANDARDIZEDPHONE
field of the output IDataRow with the expected standardized phone. -
Finally, uses the tearDown method on the
private void checkPhoneTransform(Boolean nullifyOnError, String inputPhone, String expectedOutputPhone) {
// Define the mapped inputs.
Set<String> mappedInputs = new HashSet<String>();
// Define the mapped outputs.
Set<String> mappedOuputs = new HashSet<String>();
// Define the mapped parameters
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("NULLIFYONERROR", nullifyOnError);
// Create the rowTransformerExecutor
RowTransformerExecutor rowTransformerExecutor = new RowTransformerExecutor("com.acme.phoneStandardizer.intlPhoneStandardizer",null,mappedInputs,mappedOuputs);
// Setting up the plug-in.
// Creating a new data row with the test phone number
IDataRow inDataRow = new DataRow();
((DataRow) inDataRow).setValue("INPUTPHONE", inputPhone);
// Inserting this data row in a list of data rows.
List<IDataRow> inDataRowList = new ArrayList<IDataRow>();
// Enriching the list of input data rows.
List<IDataRow> outDataRowList = rowTransformerExecutor.transform(inDataRowList);
// Testing the resulting phone number.
assertEquals(expectedOutputPhone, outDataRowList.get(0).getValue("STANDARDIZEDPHONE"));
} finally {
// Tearing down the plug-in.
This method is used in various test cases, as shown below.
public void testTransformNullPhones() {
checkPhoneTransform(true, null, null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, null, null);
public void testTransformBadPhones() {
checkPhoneTransform(true, "abcd", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "abcd", "abcd");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "64169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "64169710", "64169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "111164169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "111164169710", "111164169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "+44664169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "+44664169710", "+44664169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "1664169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "1664169710", "1664169710");
The unit tests only include French phone numbers, as it is
what the transformer supports. Valid French Phone numbers have 10
digits, starting with a zero. They may be written with non-numeric
characters that will be ignored. They may be prefixed with the +33 country code.
Running the Test Case
To run the test case:
Save the test case code.
Select the test project, right-click and select Run As > JUnit Plug-in Test. The JUnit view opens and show the execution results for the test case.
The test cases should display no error.
Releasing the Plug-in
Generating the Plug-in Binary
The plug-in binary is a Jar file that will be deployed in a Stambia MDM instance. Once deployed, the plug-in becomes available for design and run-time.
Generate the Plug-in Binary
When the plug-in is tested, or when a new version is available, you can generate the plug-in binary.
To generate the Plug-in Binary:
Select the plug-in project, right-click and select Export.
Select Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments.
In the Destination tab, use the Browse button to select a target directory for your plug-in. For example:
. -
Select the Plug-in to deploy. For example:
. -
Click Finish.
The jar for the plug-in is created in a plugins
folder under the
selected destination directory. The generated jar file is named after
the plug-in ID and version number.
When selecting the plug-ins and fragments to deploy, make sure to select only the plug-in, and not the JUnit test case fragments as they are not needed for running the plug-in. |
Incrementing the Plug-in Version
If the plug-in was modified or fixed, before generating the new version of the plug-in binary, increment the plug-in version
To increment the Plug-in version:
In the plug-in project, double click the
file to edit it. -
In the overview tab, increment the Version number. For example, if the original plug-in version is
, then the first patch for this plug-in would be1.0.1
. -
Press CTRL+S to save the editor.
You can now Generate the Plug-in Binary.
As the generated jar file is named after the plug-in ID and its version number, you can preserve in this directory the successive versions of the plug-in. |
Deploying the Plug-in
To deploy a plug-in in a Stambia MDM instance, you must connect with a user that has the Plug-ins Administration Read/Write privileges, or with an administrator user (semarchyAdmin role). |
To deploy the plug-in binary:
Connect to the Stambia MDM Workbench.
Open the Administration Console perspective.
Double-click the Plug-ins node in the Administration view.
Click the Install or Update Plug-in button in the upper right corner of the Plug-ins editor. The Install/Update Plug-ins dialog opens.
Click the Browse button and select the plug-in binary file. For example:
. -
Click OK. A Status window shows the number of plug-ins installed or updated.
The plug-in now appears in the list, and can be used in the models and the integration jobs.
Using Your Plug-ins
Using Plug-ins
Plug-ins designed with the Plug-in Architecture can be used as regular plug-ins.
See the Integration Process Design chapter Stambia MDM Developer’s Guide for more information.
Using the Plug-in Example in the Getting Started Environment
You can use the sample plug-in example created with this guide in the demonstration environment provided for the Stambia MDM Getting Started Guide, or in your own projects.
Before using your plug-in in the demonstration environment, it is recommended that you first get comfortable with the Workbench and the demonstration environment by running the entire Getting Started. |
Setting up the Getting Started Environment
To set up a Getting Started environment for testing the plug-in:
Follow the instructions in the Stambia MDM Getting Started Guide until the Create the Demo Model section. In this section, select Full Setup instead of selecting Partial Setup. This will create the entire model.
Deploy the Plug-in to the platform as explained in the Deploying the Plug-in section.
Using the Enricher in the Model.
In this example, we will use the International Phone Standardizer enricher to standardize the phone numbers from the Phone1 attribute in the Contact entity. Note that we set the Nullify On Error parameter to false in order to preserve the original phone numbers that cannot be standardized. |
To use the enricher in the model:
Go to the Overview perspective.
Open the CustomerAndFinancialMDM [0.0] model edition.
Expand the Entities > Contact > Enrichers node.
Right-click the Enrichers node and then select Add Plug-in Enricher.
In the Create New Plug-in Enricher wizard, enter StandardizePhone for the Name field.
In the Plug-in ID, select International Phone Standardizer.
Click Finish. The Plug-in Enricher editor opens.
In the Plug-in Params section, click the Value cell on the Nullify on Error line, and enter in the cell
. -
In the Plug-in Inputs section, click the Value cell on the InputPhone line, and enter in the cell
. -
In the Plug-in Outputs section, click the Define Plug-in Output button in the upper-right corner. The Define Output Bindings dialog appears. Double-click the
attribute and then click Finish. -
In the Plug-in Inputs section, select the Output Name cell on the Phone1 line, and select Standardized Phone in the selection list.
Press CTRL-S to save the editor.
Deploying the Updated Model
To deploy the updated model:
Go back to the Overview perspective, and open the data location into which the model is currently deployed.
Expand the model edition that is deployed, right-click and select Update Deployed Model Edition (Design-Time).
In the Update Model Edition wizard, un-check the Update the Database Schema of the Data Location option and then click Finish.
In a development environment only, it is possible to update existing deployment without creating a version of the model edition. In addition, only the integration processes need to be updated, as the data structure is not modified by the addition of the enricher. |
Running the Enricher
To run the enricher:
In the menu, select Help > Demo Environment > Open Demo Application….
Click the Reset Sample Data button to restore the sample data to its original state.
Click the Publish Data to MDM… button in the editor toolbar.
In the Publish Data to MDM dialog, for Data Edition select CustomerAndFinancialMDM [0.0].
Click Finish to start the loading process.
A Data Submit Succeeded dialog appears. Click OK to close it.
View the log and expand the Contact task. You will now see your StandardizePhone enricher task and the number of records processed.
Review the Contact golden records. Certain values of Phone1 have been standardized and appear with a
Troubleshooting Plug-ins
Troubleshoot Deployment
When you deploy a plug-in, it appears in the list of plug-ins with an
Available status and a green icon.
If your plug-in appears with a warning icon, click the Diagnose button
in the Plug-ins editor toolbar. A dialog appears showing the plug-in
Troubleshoot Execution
When a plug-in fails to execute in an integration job, the job is
suspended, and the error raised by the plug-in is displayed in the job’s
execution log.
See the Managing Execution chapter in the Stambia MDM Administration Guide for more information about jobs and logs.
To troubleshoot with more details a plug-in behavior at run-time, it is possible activate a logger that traces plug-in execution in the application server log files.
To activate this logger:
Open the Logging Configuration in the Administration view (in the Administration Console perspective).
Add or modify the
logger configuration and set it temporarily toDEBUG
as needed (an example is given below). -
Press CTRL-S to save the new configuration.
The DEBUG mode is very verbose. Make sure to revert the
configuration after the troubleshooting phase.
Disabling Type Checking
With the explicit declaration of the Parameters and Input/Output Types, checks are enforced on the data types, including in Data Entry forms. To disable such checks, set the following system property for the application server environment:
com.semarchy.engine.disableDataRowenforceType = true
Appendix A - Source Code of the Plug-in
The following sample is the source code for the plug-in class described in this book.
package com.acme.phonestandardizer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.DataRow;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IDataRow;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IRowTransformer;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IRowTransformerSetupInfo;
public class IntlPhoneStandardizer implements IRowTransformer {
private boolean nullifyOnError;
public IntlPhoneStandardizer() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
* Normalize a French phone number to E164 international format.
* @param pText
* Input phone number.
* @return Standardized phone number. If phone number cannot be
* standardized, returns null (if nullifyOnError is true) or the
* input phone number.
private String normalizePhoneNumber(String pText) {
StringBuilder normalized = new StringBuilder(pText.length());
for (char c : pText.toCharArray()) {
int digit = Character.digit(c, 10);
if (digit != -1) {
switch (normalized.length()) {
case 9:
normalized.insert(0, "+33");
case 10:
if (normalized.charAt(0) == '0') {
normalized.replace(0, 1, "+33");
} else {
return invalidPhoneNumber(pText);
case 11:
if (normalized.charAt(0) == '3' && normalized.charAt(1) == '3') {
normalized.insert(0, '+');
} else {
return invalidPhoneNumber(pText);
return invalidPhoneNumber(pText);
return normalized.toString();
* Utility method: Returns null or pText depending on the value of the
* nullifyOnError variable value.
* @param pText
* Input text.
* @return Null or pText depending on the value of the nullifyOnError
* variable value.
private String invalidPhoneNumber(String pText) {
// This method is used to return null of the original phone number
// depending on the value of the nullify On Error parameter.
if (nullifyOnError)
return null;
return pText;
* This method transforms an input IDataRow into an output IDataRow. When
* implementing this method, use: - the getValue method to retrieve the
* input field from the inputIDataRow - the setValue method to set the
* output field value of the output IDataRow
private IDataRow transformOneRow(IDataRow pDataRow) {
// First, create the returned IDataRow.
DataRow outputDataRow = new DataRow();
// Make sure to set a null value for each output field in the
// outputDataRow.
outputDataRow.setValue("STANDARDIZEDPHONE", null);
// The transformation is done below. It uses the normalizePhoneNumber
// method defined in the class.
if (pDataRow.getValue("INPUTPHONE") != null) {
return outputDataRow;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IRowTransformer#transform(java.util.List)
* This method transforms a list of rows. In this case, it is a basic
* loop calling the transformOneRow method.
public List<IDataRow> transform(List<IDataRow> pDataRowsBatch) {
ArrayList<IDataRow> outputDataRowList = new ArrayList<IDataRow>();
for (IDataRow inputRow : pDataRowsBatch) {
return outputDataRowList;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IRowTransformer#setUp(com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IRowTransformerSetupInfo)
* This method performs the setup of the enricher. It retrieves
* parameters through a SetupInfo object.
public void setUp(IRowTransformerSetupInfo pSetupInfo) {
nullifyOnError = pSetupInfo.getParameterAsBoolean("NULLIFYONERROR");
public void tearDown() {
public void tearDown() {
Appendix B - Source Code of the JUnit Test Class
The following sample is the source code for the JUnit test class described in this book.
package com.acme.phonestandardizer.tests;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.DataRow;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.IDataRow;
import com.semarchy.engine.extensionpoint.RowTransformerExecutor;
public class TestPhoneFrance {
public void testTransformNullPhones() {
checkPhoneTransform(true, null, null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, null, null);
public void testTransformBadPhones() {
checkPhoneTransform(true, "abcd", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "abcd", "abcd");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "64169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "64169710", "64169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "111164169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "111164169710", "111164169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "+44664169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "+44664169710", "+44664169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "1664169710", null);
checkPhoneTransform(false, "1664169710", "1664169710");
public void testTransformGoodPhones() {
checkPhoneTransform(true, "0664169710", "+33664169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "664169710", "+33664169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "+33664169710", "+33664169710");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "0478339229", "+33478339229");
checkPhoneTransform(true, "(0)", "+33478339229");
* Tests the behavior of the phone transformer. It takes three parameters
* corresponding to the parameter, the input and output string of the
* transformeR.
* @param nullifyOnError
* @param inputPhone
* @param expectedOutputPhone
private void checkPhoneTransform(Boolean nullifyOnError, String inputPhone, String expectedOutputPhone) {
// Define the mapped inputs.
Set<String> mappedInputs = new HashSet<String>();
// Define the mapped outputs.
Set<String> mappedOuputs = new HashSet<String>();
// Define the mapped parameters
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("NULLIFYONERROR", nullifyOnError);
// Create the rowTransformerExecutor
RowTransformerExecutor rowTransformerExecutor = new RowTransformerExecutor("com.acme.phoneStandardizer.intlPhoneStandardizer",null,mappedInputs,mappedOuputs);
// Setting up the plug-in.
// Creating a new data row with the test phone number
IDataRow inDataRow = new DataRow();
((DataRow) inDataRow).setValue("INPUTPHONE", inputPhone);
// Inserting this data row in a list of data rows.
List<IDataRow> inDataRowList = new ArrayList<IDataRow>();
// Enriching the list of input data rows.
List<IDataRow> outDataRowList = rowTransformerExecutor.transform(inDataRowList);
// Testing the resulting phone number.
assertEquals(expectedOutputPhone, outDataRowList.get(0).getValue("STANDARDIZEDPHONE"));
} finally {
// Tearing down the plug-in.