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Topic-icon Deleted Error parcing URL for MySQL logDatabase

04 Jan 2019 16:44 #1 by alce
alce created the topic: Error parcing URL for MySQL logDatabase
I installed and run Stambia runtime with default logDatabse (HSQL) and it works fine but then, when I configure engine to use MySQL and generate it's logDatabese, the run time crashes and send this exception:

C:\Users\alcet\stambia\stambiaRuntime>echo off
[Fatal Error] :6:107: The reference to entity "useSSL" must end with the ';' delimiter.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 107; The reference to entity "useSSL" must end with the ';' delimiter.
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.parse(DocumentBuilder.java:121)
at com.indy.engine.d.b(SourceFile)
at com.indy.engine.d.b(SourceFile)
at com.indy.engine.d.a(SourceFile)
at com.indy.engine.Global.InitRessources(SourceFile:267)
at com.indy.engine.EngineStartI.a(SourceFile:308)
at com.indy.engine.EngineStartI.main(SourceFile:333)
Exception in thread "main" com.indy.engine.common.exceptions.EngineExceptionI: Exception in getLstParametersInRepository

The problem is generated under this conditions:
1. Use of com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver instead of com.mysql.jdbc.Driver which is depreciated.
2. The necesity of setting two extra properties in the URL: useSSL and serverTimeZone.

Attached you can see the image of the file which configure the log database and who's marked as the problem.

Please help me to understand what exactly is happening and how to solve this issue.
04 Jan 2019 17:17 #2 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Error parcing URL for MySQL logDatabase
This conf file is an XML file and requires to be well formed / valid. The error seems to indicated that "&" needs to be escaped as &
See this example : www.w3resource.com/xml/prohibited-character-literals.php

Can you try to change & into & in the URL? It will be something like this : ...UTC&useSSL...
Does it make a difference?
05 Jan 2019 07:22 #3 by alce
alce replied the topic: Error parcing URL for MySQL logDatabase
Yes It´s a difference. I escaped chracter using &
Now It works fine. Thanks