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Topic-icon Solved Location of the log database

06 Jul 2016 18:13 - 07 Jul 2016 09:55 #1 by Josserand BRINON
Josserand BRINON created the topic: Location of the log database

We are installing a new runtime and we have noticed that there are several possible locations for the log database:
1- we can keep the initial configuration > internal DB on H2
2- we can use a "known" database > MS SQL Server in our case

If I'm right, the 2nd solution is safer for production environment, and generally recommended for any environment.

In that case, my question is :
Excepted the potential network issues, are there any inconvenients to locate the log database on a remote server?
I mean: runtime on server1 <--> log database on server2

Actualy, we want to avoid multiply Stambia log databases and, ideally, keep only one database per environment.
runtimeA-environment1 --> log database on serverA-environment1 (local)
runtimeA-environment2 --> log database on serverA-environment2 (local)
runtimeB-environment1 --> log database on serverA-environment1 (remote)
runtimeB-environment2 --> log database on serverA-environment2 (remote)

Please, let me know if I'm not clear.

Last Edit: 07 Jul 2016 09:55 by Josserand BRINON. Reason: Precisions
07 Jul 2016 09:56 #2 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Location of the log database

There is no other inconvenient than the potential network issues (stability and performance). Simply make sure your network architecture is adapted and monitored.

PS: also think about setting up purges - see www.stambia.org/doc/106-runtime/log/63-p...the-runtime-database
07 Jul 2016 10:03 #3 by Josserand BRINON
Josserand BRINON replied the topic: Location of the log database
Ok, thank you Thomas :)