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Topic-icon Solved Logical expression

11 May 2015 18:45 - 12 May 2015 13:13 #1 by ikafai
ikafai created the topic: Logical expression

Can I implement logical expression on action/link? I had to manage errors of previous action. To do so, I duplicate the log for each error action.
With logical expression i can optimize my Process.
for example:
I match by unsuccessful link 3 actions to my mapping log
(Action1 OR Action2 OR action3) ====> LOG

Best regards
Last Edit: 12 May 2015 13:13 by ikafai.
12 May 2015 12:14 - 12 May 2015 12:16 #2 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Logical expression
You can implement this with the link's properties "Execution Type" and "Triggering Behavior".
See the attached example and play with it.
Note the "Unsuccessful" links are in "Not Mandatory" Behavior.
Also note that "ErrorOccured" will be executed for each action in error : in our example two times.

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Last Edit: 12 May 2015 12:16 by Thomas BLETON.
12 May 2015 13:12 #3 by ikafai
ikafai replied the topic: Logical expression
That was very helpful.I didn't see the option "Triggering Behavior" in links. Thanks