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Topic-icon Question error Load : XML file with '&'

11 Jan 2017 11:22 #1 by asma
asma created the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'

I have to load a sql server table with xml file wish contains an ampersand '&'. I have the following error :
Engine Exception : The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

I have to replace the '&' in the xml by & or 'ET'. i use a stage putting the replace function replace : replace(XML.XML/PLIS/PLI/DOCUMENTS/DOCUMENT/NAME_CLIENT;'&';'ET')
but it does not work.

Could you plz help me or tell me if i could do that with stambia? if any one know?

thanks a lot
11 Jan 2017 14:26 - 11 Jan 2017 14:27 #2 by Vincent
Vincent replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'

If you have access and can modify your XML file, & is a special character in XML and needs to be escaped with &
So when the Xml file is read by stambia it will be replaced by & in the elements.
If not we will have to find a way to do it with Stambia, I see several solutions, like file transformation scripting, staging, ...

Let me know !
Last Edit: 11 Jan 2017 14:27 by Vincent.
12 Jan 2017 10:54 #3 by asma
asma replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
Hello Vincent,
thank you for your reply!
Indeed it's the case..i got to replace the & by the & or just "ET' but automatically with stambia not manually
I actually use the stage to transform the field content..but i have the same error.

I' ll try a scripting, maybe it can resolve the problem.
if it possible, Do you plz have an example of file transformation scripting?
thanks a lot!

12 Jan 2017 16:46 - 12 Jan 2017 16:46 #4 by Vincent
Vincent replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
You're welcome !

Indeed, you will not be able to use a stage because what causes the error is the XML Parser, and it is executed before the stage functions !
I can give you an exemple of transformation scripting (I will write an article about it) but first I need to know if your file is huge, and wether it contains New Lines separators or not.
Last Edit: 12 Jan 2017 16:46 by Vincent.
13 Jan 2017 11:45 #5 by asma
asma replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
Thanks again for your reply :-)

my XML does not contain new lines separator and it's not a huge file
bellow an example of my xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

13 Jan 2017 14:59 - 13 Jan 2017 15:00 #6 by Vincent
Vincent replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'

Here is the article about transformation scripting.

What you can do is create a File metadata with a unique huge field corresponding to the size of your Xml File. All the content will be in this field. Then you can use a simple transformation Line code :

This will replace and escape all the ampersands. What you can do next is to use this transformed file as a source for a new file, and reverse the new file in a XML metadata that you will use as a source for your load.

Hope it helps. Though, you should contact your Xml provider, since it is not recommended to work with badly encoded Xml files.
Last Edit: 13 Jan 2017 15:00 by Vincent.
13 Jan 2017 16:27 #7 by asma
asma replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
I ll try to apply your suggestion and i ll come back to you
Btw, thank you so much for your help!

18 Jan 2017 10:12 #8 by asma
asma replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
Hello Vincent,

I tried to put the content of the xml in a field of a csv file..but
when i use the Action process Integration FILE (fiel export) : 'tstxmltofile/I1-FILETST-Integration/SQLFileExport/SQL_EXP_JAVA_DRIVER' is null !

Do you have plz any idea about how i can do that or resolve it?
thanks a lot!
18 Jan 2017 10:41 - 19 Jan 2017 11:34 #9 by risson
risson replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
hello. maybe your mapping is missing a stage.

There is another solution you can try : a scripting action which takes your invalid xml file and creates a valid xml file from it.

Sample rhino script :
inFilePath = new String("d:/temp/invalid.xml");
outFilePath = new String("d:/temp/valid.xml");
delim = new String(">");

bw = new java.io.BufferedWriter(new java.io.FileWriter(outFilePath));

scan = new java.util.Scanner(new java.io.File(inFilePath));

while (scan.hasNext()) {
    sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder();

    out = sb.toString().replaceAll("&(?![#a-zA-Z0-9]+;)", "&amp;");

Simply include this in a process and define process parameters for inFilePath and outFilePath.
I hope this helps.

[edit] I add a sample process which packages this script.

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Last Edit: 19 Jan 2017 11:34 by risson.
18 Jan 2017 10:56 #10 by asma
asma replied the topic: error Load : XML file with '&'
thank you so much Vincent!