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Topic-icon Question Driver JTDS

13 Oct 2016 15:52 - 13 Oct 2016 16:17 #1 by Florian H
Florian H created the topic: Driver JTDS
Hello !

I have some trouble with JTDS driver

I do not understant because my target (on sql server) is supposed to use this JTDS driver and the process fails on the load step whereas my source is based on Oracle database with jdbc driver.
If I try to consult data from Stambia, I have no any problem to consult my target and my source table then the connection configuration is fine

Moreover, I have check the drivers' library and I found the driver jtds.

I also checked the driver list where we can see a "Microsoft SQL Server with JTDS" which seems to be well configured :

There is also a driver jTDS whom I add the same drivers but nothing works !

If someone knows how to fix this problem I'd appreciate your help :)
Last Edit: 13 Oct 2016 16:17 by Florian H.
13 Oct 2016 16:09 #2 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Driver JTDS
13 Oct 2016 16:15 - 13 Oct 2016 16:38 #3 by Florian H
Florian H replied the topic: Driver JTDS
Hi Thomas,
I am sorry my post was uncompleted.

As it said in the last version of my post I have already checked the directory stambiaRuntime/lib/jdbc and it's look OK.
The driver used is the last version from sourceforge.net

Maybe is there something to add on the folder Stambia/plugins ?
Last Edit: 13 Oct 2016 16:38 by Florian H.
13 Oct 2016 16:49 #4 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Driver JTDS
Using SQL Server does not require any specific plugin.
Did you restart the Runtime after adding the jtds.jar file to lib/jdbc ?

By the way, why using the jTDS driver instead of the standard Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver ? I personnaly tend to prefer vendor-edited drivers: they know their products.
13 Oct 2016 17:09 #5 by Florian H
Florian H replied the topic: Driver JTDS
I am wondering why the jTDS it used, most of the time I also work with the classic driver.
I am working remotely then I have nobody with me to explain why there is the jTDS driver.

I do not restart the runtime because the jtds.jar was already on the library and also because I have no way to do it !
I will contact my customer to ask for it and to clarify the jTDS driver instead of the vendor edited drivers.

thanks for your help.