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Topic-icon Question Excel Issue

02 Sep 2016 09:03 #1 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle created the topic: Excel Issue

I am facing strange issue with excel file metadata.
When I reverse metadata of any excel file in stambia and consult it in SQL editor.
1: I am not able use same field again in query by aliasing.
2: I am not able to write multiple condition in where clause.
3: Various SQL operator not working for example like, In

Please find attachment for your reference. How can I resolve it.

Thanks & Regards,
02 Sep 2016 15:46 #2 by Emmanuel Rambeau
Emmanuel Rambeau replied the topic: Excel Issue

There is no connection selected on the top.
Just try to select it (it should be like "yourExcelMetadataName/anonymous").

06 Sep 2016 12:11 #3 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Excel Issue

I have tried what you suggested still facing same errors.

Thanks & Regards,
06 Sep 2016 17:49 #4 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Excel Issue
The excel driver is a handy tool for loading an Excel file to a database.
Please note that it is not designed to be as powerful as a full-featured database connector: no joins, no complex filters, no SQL functions, etc.

The idea is to manipulate your Excel Sheets as a source in a mapping, using simple filters and expressions. And then do the advanced transformations / filters / joins in the Staging Area. In this way, the mapping will will load each excel column only once, even if you have several target fields (your issue#1 will not exist in a mapping context).

That being said, note that we plan to add features to this driver. Including Filter improvements.
I hope this helps.
18 Apr 2017 11:22 #5 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Excel Issue
Hello Sir,

Is there any updates in excel driver???

Prashant Sangle
21 Apr 2017 17:14 #6 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Excel Issue

The developments for these Excel Driver improvements are listed but not scheduled yet.

If you need more information, feel free to contact the support team :)