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Topic-icon Question Java Heap Space error

18 Aug 2016 13:46 #1 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle created the topic: Java Heap Space error

I am loading 190 MB excel file in stambia
excel file have 12 sheet, when I try to consult data I am getting java heap space error

I have check my stambia.ini file
where min and max size is -Xms512m

Please guide me to resolve error.

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle
18 Aug 2016 14:30 - 18 Aug 2016 15:51 #2 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Java Heap Space error

Please find error screen shot of it.

Update: Also if I create mapping between source and target tables then mapping arrow not coming.
If I run such mapping then empty process executed.
I am confused not getting what is happening :(:unsure::unsure:

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle
Last Edit: 18 Aug 2016 15:51 by Prashant.Sangle.
19 Aug 2016 11:38 #3 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Java Heap Space error

I also have memory overflows when trying to consult data from big excel files. I will ask my dev team colleagues if there are plans to improve this.

I don't understand what may be the cause for the non-working mapping. Can you send an "Export models and dependencies" of your mapping to the Support?
19 Aug 2016 12:42 #4 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Java Heap Space error

Actually mapping arrow issue is coming with that excel file only. Other wise it is working fine.

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle
19 Aug 2016 14:06 #5 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Java Heap Space error
OK, feel free to send the "Export models and dependencies" to the Support if you are still blocked.
25 Aug 2016 11:37 #6 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Java Heap Space error

Sorry for late reply.

Please find attached file which have mapping arrow issue.

Let me know if details required.

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle

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25 Aug 2016 15:25 #7 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Java Heap Space error
I had a look, it seems to be due to the Sheet node name, starting with number (01-Apr-15$).
Try prefixing the Name attribute with letters, for example "A_01-Apr-15$" and let me know if it maps.
Note: no need to rename your Excel Sheets, really just set the logical "Name" attribute in the metadata.