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Topic-icon Question Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable

20 Jun 2016 09:32 #1 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle created the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable

I have below scenario.

1: I have to get files from ftp to local
2: Load those file data to db
3: move those file to archive with session id and session time.

I have achieve first 2 task and partially done with 3 but don't know how can archive it with session Id / session time.

Please guide me to achieve it.

Let me know if any details required.

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle
21 Jun 2016 10:19 #2 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable
I would try to use a ZipFile action, and set the archive file name with ${/CORE_SESSION_ID}$ and ${/CORE_SESSION_TIMESTAMP}$
22 Jun 2016 07:42 #3 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable
Thanks It work.
29 Jun 2016 08:03 #4 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable

Core_session_timestamp variable store timstamp in linux numeric date
can I convert it into YYYYMMDDhhmmss

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle
29 Jun 2016 09:51 #5 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable
Yes this is possible.

First note that there is also the native ${/CORE_BEGIN_DATE}$ session variable, which provides this format: 2016/06/29 09:42:59.848

If you need a specific format, then apply a Rhino date formatting function.
For this, you can create a Variable which will be re-usable in all your developments.
For example:
- Create a Variable Metadata, named "CURRENT_SESSION_DATETIME"
- The default value will be this Rhino expression:
%e(rhino){ java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss.SSS").format(new Date(${/CORE_SESSION_TIMESTAMP}$)) }e(rhino)%
See SimpleDateFormat Reference to know how to specify your desired format.
- Then use this variable in your file name, e.g. "MyFile_%{CURRENT_SESSION_DATETIME}%"
Don't forget to drag and drop the variable into your processes and mappings where you need it.
29 Jun 2016 14:23 #6 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable

I have tried what you suggested. but i am getting below error.

Zip files
Problem creating zip: D:\Devl\glb\1054_glb_otif\integration\archieve_files\${\CURRENT_SESSION_DATETIME(_UqvzVT3jEea1ntRCVoXX-w)}$ (The system cannot find the path specified) (and the archive is probably corrupt but I could not delete it)

To test variable working fine or not.
I have drag variable in process and ran process.
I can see that variable in session variable list with required date time format.

But can not use that variable while setting zip_to_file property of zipfiles action

Let me know if any details required.

Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Sangle
29 Jun 2016 15:42 #7 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable
Make sure that your Variable's action is executed BEFORE the zipfile action. Otherwise the var is not set when zipfile runs.
Simply add a link between the Variable action and the Zipfile action.
Is it better?
30 Jun 2016 06:56 #8 by Prashant.Sangle
Prashant.Sangle replied the topic: Can I create zip with either core_session_Id or core_end date variable
Thanks. It works.