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Topic-icon Question JSon dynamic anchors / balises JSon dynamique

  • Mickael_CarPostal
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25 Mar 2016 10:49 #1 by Mickael_CarPostal
Mickael_CarPostal created the topic: JSon dynamic anchors / balises JSon dynamique

Petit défi technique pour la réalisation d'une extraction vers un fichier JSon.
En faisant un reverse d'un exemple fourni, j'ai le schéma suivant :

On remarque une section Data avec un contenu particulier concernant deux balises de type TimeTable et StopArea, sauf que ces balises ont pour nom la valeur stockée en base à extraire !
Exemple concret :

J'avoue être un peu à court d'idée ...
Je ne pense que de base le Designer gère les noms de balises dynamiquement. Ensuite, faut-il faire un mapping préliminaire construisant le contenu de la balise Data pour être exploitée dans un mapping final, quid ?

Toute bonne idée est la bienvenue ...



A small technical challenge to perform an extract to a JSon file.
After a sample reverse engeneering, I've got the following schem:

We can observe a "Data" section with a particular value concerning two kinds of anchors TimeTable and StopArea, in fact, those anchors are named with the database extracted value!

Concrete example :

I'm in lack of tricks...
I don't think that the Designer natively manages dynamic anchors. Therfore, must we create a preliminar mapping to prepare the value of the Data section to put and use it in the final mapping, I don't know ?

I'm an open mind person, so, if someone get a good idea, he/she's welcome...

29 Mar 2016 11:29 #2 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: JSon dynamic anchors / balises JSon dynamique
If I understand well, you have a source database, and you need to generate a json file from the this database.
And you want some Json field names to have a variable name, determined with the source data ?
  • Mickael_CarPostal
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29 Mar 2016 14:13 #3 by Mickael_CarPostal
Mickael_CarPostal replied the topic: JSon dynamic anchors / balises JSon dynamique

Yes it is ...

The two difficulties are :
  • the JSon schem should be "universal", that's mean one timetable field name and one stoparea field name (which are both collections) instead of "timetable_1", "timetable_2' and "stoparea_A", "stoparea_B"
  • link those two Json variable field names with the data store in the source


C'est bien cela

Les deux difficultés sont :
  • rendre universel le schéma JSon, ce qui signifie une balise "timetable" et une autre "stoparea" (qui désignent aussi une collection) au lieu de "timetable_1", "timetable_2' et "stoparea_A", "stoparea_B"
  • lier les nom de balises variables aux données stockées dans la source de données
01 Apr 2016 11:14 #4 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: JSon dynamic anchors / balises JSon dynamique
It is not possible to map a source column to a target Json field name. This is because the mapping needs "static" field names and clearly specified structures. So I think that the solution will not come from the mapping itself. I will check this again with our dev team to confirm that it is not possible within a mapping.

Another approach: maybe you can work with Scripting and generate a Json string in a script.

Note: we usually don't recommend to design data structure with variable field names.
I don't know if you have the possibility to alter this design, but just in case this is what I would personnaly try to do:
Instead of
"data" : {
"zest_timetable_769" : { sameStructure },
"zest_timetable_771" : { sameStructure },

Add a property like this:
"data" : {
"zest_timetable" : { "id": <string>, "structure": {sameStructure }}
... and the "id" would contain 769, 771, etc...
25 Oct 2018 17:23 #5 by Thomas BLETON
Thomas BLETON replied the topic: JSon dynamic anchors / balises JSon dynamique
Just a few words to say that Stambia DI now supports dynamic Json node names.

See here for more information :