Stambia Data Integration allows to work with Amazon Redshift to produce fully customized Integration Processes.

The Amazon Redshift database structure can be entirely reversed in Metadata and then used in Mappings and Processes to design and adapt the business rules to meet the user's requirements.

  • The Amazon AWS SDK for Java must be installed under the stambiaRuntime/lib/addons/amazon/ folder of the Designer and Runtime.


Stambia DI is a flexible and agile solution. It can be quickly adapted to your needs.

If you have any question, any feature request or any issue, do not hesitate to contact us.

This component may require a dedicated license.

Please contact the Stambia support team if you have any doubt and if you need to use it in a production environment.



You can find below the necessary material to work with Amazon Redshift in Stambia DI

Name Description   Download
Generic Templates Package containing the generic Templates

Upgrade procedure

Release notes

previous releases

Amazon Templates

The Amazon Redshift specificities are handled in dedicated Templates that can be found in this package

Some are using generic tools that are shipped with the generic templates, make sure to import them too.

Upgrade procedure

Release notes

previous releases