Stambia Data Integration allows to publish REST and SOAP Web Services.

Every Mapping or Process can be easily published as a Web Service with a simple click.

Then, third party applications, or Stambia DI, can invoke them through the Runtime's endpoints (HTTP REST and SOAP).


Stambia DI is a flexible and agile solution. It can be quickly adapted to your needs.

If you have any question, any feature request or any issue, do not hesitate to contact us.

This component may require a dedicated license.

Please contact the Stambia support team if you have any doubt and if you need to use it in a production environment.



All the necessary material to publish Web Services with Stambia DI is already included in the Designer and Runtime.


Name Description Download
Demonstration Project

A Project that demonstrates examples of Web Services to publish, with XML, JSON, CSV Inputs and Outputs, HTTP Headers management, ... is available.


The examples have been developed with the S18.3.0 Designer version.

We therefore highly recommend using at least this version to try this project to avoid any issue.



Supported features

You can find below an overview of what Stambia DI can do with Web Services Publication

Name Description

Web Services published by Stambia DI are available through:

  • REST
  • SOAP
Input and Output parameters

The following parameters can be used as input/output for the Web Services


  • Process Parameters
  • Tables
  • XML nodes
  • JSON nodes
  • File metadata


  • URL Parameters (only as input)
  • HTTP Headers
  • HTTP Response Code (only as output)
Web Service Flow

Every Mapping or Process can be published as Web Service.

The Design of the Web Service is so completely integrated and do not change of usual Stambia DI developments.

Each call of the Web Service will then start the corresponding delivery on the Runtime.