Google Cloud Storage is a cloud storage system to store files, and which is powered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Stambia Data Integration allows to work with Google Cloud Storage to perform operations such as creating Buckets, sending retrieving, copying, moving or deleting Blobs, defining metadata on Blobs, ...

A dedicated Metadata is available to define Google Cloud Storage Buckets, folders, and information which will next be used to perform operations on the platform.


Stambia DI is a flexible and agile solution. It can be quickly adapted to your needs.

If you have any question, any feature request or any issue, do not hesitate to contact us.

This component may require a dedicated license.

Please contact the Stambia support team if you have any doubt and if you need to use it in a production environment.



You must install Google Cloud Platform connector to be able to work with Google Cloud Storage.

Please refer to the following article that will guide you to accomplish this.

When the installation is completed, you can lead to this getting started article which explains how to work with Google Cloud Storage in Stambia.


Supported features

You can find below an overview of what Stambia DI can do with Google Cloud Storage.

Name Description
Bucket Operation
  • Create Bucket
  • Delete Bucket
Blob Operation
  • Create Blob
  • Copy Blob
  • Move Blob
  • Update Blob
  • Get Blob
  • Delete Blob
Advanced Filtering

When performing operations on Google Cloud Storage such as copying, moving, retrieving, ... Blobs, Stambia DI offers the possibility to filter the Blobs on which to operate through different kind of filters.

  • You can filter through a mechanism of includes and excludes using masks such as "*" or "**"
  • You can filter through the path (prefix) of Blobs
  • You can filter through the Google metadata key / value properties that can be defined on Blobs
Advanced Creation of Buckets When creating a Bucket, you can define all the properties such as the Location Type, Storage Class, Life Cycle rules, ...
Life Cycle Rules

The Connector supports defining Bucket Life Cycle Rules in Metadata, which will be used when creating the corresponding Bucket to define its Life Cycle Rules.

This allows for instance to add rules to automatically delete old Blobs and more.

Blob Key / Value metadata

The Connector supports defining the Google's Key / Value metadata Properties that can be defined on Blobs.

Those metadata can be defined when creating a Blob, when updating a Blob, or as a filter when retrieving, copying, moving, ... Blobs.